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출장안마 서비스 바나나 출장마사지
작성일 : 14-03-11 07:58
16살짜리 아들내미 학교에서 나온 지문인데 해석 부탁드립니다.
 글쓴이 : 카도쿠…
조회 : 1,457  
A writer never exists in a vacuum. Whatever private influences are, he is also the product of his age and place, however original, even rebellious, his attitude toward his world may be, his mentality is fatefully determined by his social and cultural environment. To understand his book, we must also understand his book, we must also understand the various socially-derived attitudes - the morality; the myths, the assumptions, the prejudices - which the  writer brought to it. And since, in the overwhelming majority of instances, he wrote, not for himself, but for a specific audience of his contemporaries, and only incidentally for us, we must try to find out precisely how the mingled ideas of his and their world affected the book's shape and contest. Most especially is it necessary to reconstruct the standards of taste and literary intention which prevailed in his time.