처음으로 로그인 회원가입 영어사이트
출장안마 서비스 바나나 출장마사지
작성일 : 22-05-14 01:17
The dagger that hit the heart of the Empire of Japan, Cho Myung-ha
 글쓴이 : 청년시…
조회 : 207  
Ninety years ago, Cho Myung-ha, an activist, punished a member of the Royal Family of the Empire of Japan.

Although he is acknowledged as one of the four Korean independence activists,

Cho Myung-ha has been forgotten in our memory. Now, he has returned to his homeland and fulfilled his final wish, and more and more people praise his devotion and shed new light on his great achievement.

Link : https://youtu.be/eVy1WWmDxjg