처음으로 로그인 회원가입 영어사이트
출장안마 서비스 바나나 출장마사지
작성일 : 22-09-19 01:09
Our little actions for a blue sky
 글쓴이 : 청년시…
조회 : 99  
Today is [International Day of Clean Air for blue skies],
proposed by the Republic of Korea and adopted by the United Nations.
To end the 150-year fossil fuel era and bring back the blue sky, let’s join in the effort now.
- reducing paper use in the company,
- using personal tumblers or reusable cups instead of disposable cups
- reducing standby power
Our little actions can reduce personal carbon footprint in daily life

#푸른하늘의날 #푸른하늘 #esg
#세상을바꾸는실천 #KoreaBetter
#세상을바꾸는금융 #국민의평생금융파트너 #kb금융그룹
#KBTV #케비TV #케비티비

Link : https://youtu.be/UxW-6OYpd20