처음으로 로그인 회원가입 영어사이트
출장안마 서비스 바나나 출장마사지
작성일 : 23-04-14 09:06
Kim Koo, who met Incheon. From young man to great man.
 글쓴이 : 청년시…
조회 : 83  
Hundred and four years ago today was the day when the Provisional Government of the Republic of Korea was established.
Many independence activists devoted themselves to the Provisional Government.
Among them, there was one who had a strong connection with Incheon.
That person was Kim Koo, the independence activist we admire.

Let's meet the traces of history left by many independence activists here in Incheon, the center of Korean veterans' history.

#김구 #임시정부 #기념일 #일류보훈 #국가보훈처 #국가유공자 #보훈가족 #인천보훈지청 #인천 #부천 #김포 #광명 #국립묘지 #현충원 #호국원 #현충탑 #참배 #성묘 #적극행정 #청렴 #우수공무원 #최우수기관 #명패 #표창 #지청장 #보훈병원 #요양원 #리멤버 #6·25전쟁 #영웅 #서해수호

Link : https://youtu.be/fnxAOml7Hfk