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작성일 : 15-05-04 14:53
Protesters Press for WWII Apology from Japan Prime Minister I
 글쓴이 : admin
조회 : 588  
Seeking acknowledgement of a World War II atrocity, hundreds of protesters rallied in downtown Los Angeles Friday while Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe was in the city on the final leg of a US visit that included meeting with President Obama and addressing a joint session of Congress.
The protestors seek a formal apology for Japan's role in human trafficking that resulted in the exploitation of young females as sex slaves, euphemistically known as "comfort women."
A second group of demonstrators voiced opposition to the proposed free trade agreeement known as the Trans Pacific Partnership.  Organized labor worries about impact on US jobs. 
Activists gathered in Pershing Square, across Olive Street from the Millennium Biltmore Hotel, where Abe was the honored guest and speaker at a luncheon attended by Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti and members of organizations credited with strengthening the US-Japan relationship,  a crucial alliance for both nations in the 70 years since the end of World War Two.